Colossians: A New Reality  
  Going Deeper  

  What Am I Learning Here That Helps Me Understand God   
  And Know Him Better?   

  Colossians 1  


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Key questions you will want to ask as you study this passage:






Colossians 1:1-2 — Two key words - grace and peace. Why would Pastor Steve say, “You will never have peace until you experience grace.”


Colossians 1:1:4 talks about two qualities the people of Colossians exhibited. What were they and why is that important to us?


How are you developing and exhibiting these qualities?


Reflect (1:3-8) Thankful Prayer

Pastor Steve indicated we have a “storage locker full of hope in heaven”. What does that mean to you? What area of your life do you need hope in right now?



Refilled (1:9-14) Filled with the Holy Spirit’s Power

There is a long list of qualities of God’s will that the Holy Spirit wants to develop

within you through the wisdom and understanding the Spirit gives. What are they?



Which one(s) are most important to you right now and why?



“When you’re filled with light, darkness is done.”

What are some ways we can get light into our lives?



What are some of the tools available to a believer that provide light for his life?

(See Psalm 119:105)



How are forgiveness and light related?              



Recenter (1:15-20) Move Jesus to being first

Pastor Steve read verses 15-20 substituting “Jesus” for the pronouns in the passage, as a group read these verses substituting Jesus’ name for those pronouns.


When you read that how does that help you move Jesus to the front of your life?



Reconciled (1:21-23) New Life

Have you experienced new life?


If you have, have you shared what that means to someone that needs to hear what Jesus done?



Life Unlimited is more than the name of a church.

What is it to you?


Refocus (1:24-29) Refocus on the Good News

Share it! (1:27)

Pastor Steve often uses the acrostic
“A B C” to remind us of how to come to Christ. What do these letters mean? (Remember you can use this acrostic to share your faith with your friends and neighbors.)

A ______________ Romans 3:23
B ______________ John 3:16
C ______________ Romans 10:9, 10

(Hint: Admit, Believe, Confess).

Write Out Your Prayer

Using the key words from our notes, reflect, refilled, recenter, reconciled, and refocus. Write out a prayer asking God to lead you in each of these “re’s”.