What a beautiful day the LORD blessed us with yesterday to celebrate national Back to Church Sunday with our Life Unlimited family and new friends!
From Lori's heartfelt praise & worship, to Pastor Steve's timely & relevant message, to sharing the elements of Communion together in remembrance of Jesus's sacrifice for each of us, to fellowshiping with each other as we enjoyed an awesome homemade meal...it all resulted in a VERY special day!
Life Unlimited doesn't do every Sunday quite this way, but you can always count on a meaningful time of praise & worship, a Holy Spirit inspired, Bible-based message, and fellowship with imperfect people who love and accept each other just as we are. If this sounds good to you, check us out at 10am Sundays (9:45 for coffee, donuts & fellowship) or get more info and view previous sermons at lifexunlimited.com.